



Opening doors for a more diverse and inclusive industry…


It is to produce inclusive and accessible apprenticeships that meet the needs of the events industry by delivering skilled and confident people with a desire to succeed and contribute to the wider events ecosystem.


It is to create at least 3 more event-specific apprenticeships within 3 years, to see at least 5,000 apprentices across event-related apprenticeships in 5 years alongside the creation of a self-funded scheme with paid management and marketing.


Support us to encourage the next generation of talent to join our amazing industry…

Apprenticeships open the doors to people from all backgrounds and ages, to gain experience and relevant professional qualifications within the events industry. Our aim is to break down barriers of entry, specifically where experience is needed, and to attract a new broader pipeline of talent in addition to the university graduate route.

However, the government will only fund the learning elements of the apprenticeships (between 5-10k per trainee), they will not fund the management and subsequent costs of developing the events apprenticeships framework, so the industry needs YOU to support to do this. 

We know this a massive ask in the current financial climate, but it’s imperative for our industry to have a robust and inclusive apprenticeships program, as such we are asking people/companies to support and contribute, large or small, to help us realise this ambition.

Companies that support us now will have their profile displayed on the Events Apprenticeships website and recognised as founding partners (or similar).

We were asked for some guidelines on what to give, but it's totally up to you just please do support us support you! Individuals - £25.00

  • Small Co’s (up to 15 people): £250

  • Medium Co’s up to 60 people: £750

  • Large Co’s (60 people and above): £2000

If you prefer to donate via an invoice, please email us and we can arrange this for.

For more information, drop us an email:

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  • Richard Waddington, EMA

    “Great to kick off this initiative. I struggled at School and fortunately found my way into the hotel industry waiting on tables from the age of 15, and then thanks to the GM I got a trainee manager role, found an industry I loved and felt at home in - the rest is history, and I'm extremely grateful!”

  • Laura Capell-Abra, Stress Matters

    “Apprenticeships are such an important part of the growth of this industry, so glad to be part of the journey.”

  • Claire Fennelow, EVCOM

    “EVCOM are delighted to support the Event Apprenticeship scheme and would encourage all those in the sector to support in any way they can. It is vital that we get a diverse range of new talent into the sector and apprenticeships are a proven method for doing so.”

  • Anna Green, We are broadsword

    “Supporting this initiative is important to everyone at Broadsword, helping drive event apprenticeships forward. We know first-hand the value of having apprentices as part of the team and would encourage businesses across the events industry to get involved.”

  • Noreen ORiordan, Entec

    “Entec is fortunate to employ 3 amazing apprentices who are thriving in the workplace. Please help by donating what you can afford to enable the work Events Apprenticeships are doing behind the scenes to build momentum with all the major bodies, pulling together content for the website, building Trailblazer groups to start reviewing the current schemes, and assisting our Industry to grow the next generation.”

  • David Wise

    “I wholeheartedly support the Events Apprenticeship framework as it is great for the community, the events sector and events companies. It will increase quality and staff engagement and will decrease recruitment costs. The framework will help us increase diversity and broaden the talent pool. And if that isn’t enough, it is paying forward good karma.”

  • Michael Hirst, UKEVENTS

    “The UK Events Industry should do everything possible to encourage young people to have the right skills to rise to the top and the Event Apprenticeship programme is one sure way of achieving this.”

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Real measurable benefits:

  • Productive, enthusiastic, loyal employees

  • Workplace more productive

  • Motivated and satisfied workplace

  • Skilled workers for the future employer retention 

  • Diversify the talent pool